Hi, I'm Michelle, Shell, for short! And I am in recovery from an eating disorder, learning each and every day that recovery is possible and so incredibly worth it.
I am 19 years old, and anorexia has taken hold of my life for ten years too long. After countless lapses and multiple relapses on my journey towards recovery, I am finally beginning to follow the true path towards freedom from my anorexia, a life in solid, incredible recovery.
I am currently a student in the nursing school at the University of Connecticut, studying to become a nurse, with the eventual goal of working as a psych nurse on an inpatient eating disorder floor. With such a personal experience in battling an eating disorder, I hope to be able to inspire others to grasp on to their own hopes and dreams, saving their own lives from the grasp of the eating disorder.
I hope that through my writing and photographs, I can capture the beauty of recovery and help guide as many others struggling with eating disorders or any mental illness as possible towards a life in recovery that is so incredibly possible. My life goal is to turn the pain and suffering that I have encountered during my battle with anorexia into strength for others to battle their own inner demons and conquer their lives in recovery.
By saving myself, Saving Shell, I hope to save the lives of countless others through my words, actions, and inspiration.